On the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we presented We Chose to Go to the Moon at Carnegie Hall!

In collaboration with American History Unbound, we celebrated the NASA astronauts and engineers who got us to the moon paying tribute to their imagination, tenacity and risk-taking – all qualities we value at MAX. With stunning footage and iconic songs of the era including Space Oddity and Young Americans, John Monsky chronicled this daring accomplishment. Kimberly Grigsby conducted the Orchestra of St. Luke’s.
Join us in this commemorative call to action for bold moves that lead to a better future.

Previously at MAX

MAXlive: Prometheus Firebringer
“Algorithmic theater is not sci-fi,” says Annie Dorsen. “The pieces I’m making are neither utopian nor dystopian fantasies of a far-off future…”
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MAXlive: The Neuroverse
30+ ARTISTS, 20+ SCIENTISTS, 11 Performances, 5 Immersive Experiences in 3 DAYS.
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