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MAXmachina 2021

A funded laboratory for artists and thinkers, incubating pieces for MAXlive 2021: The Neuroverse

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  • ¡Harken! : A Lost Truth or a Return to a Myth?
    A transfiguration of the flawed and fragmented pieces of history...
    November 10  - November 10      2024   artXnyc
  • Rest
    Join us at MAXlive X artXnyc for an unforgettable in-person...
    November 08       2024   artXnyc
  • We Are Your Robots
    What do your devices really say about you? Hear it...
    November 21  - December 08      2024   Polonsky Shakespeare Center
    Join us for an international convening of artists, scientists, influencers...
  • Heisenberg
    With 100 others share an augmented reality tour of the...
    May 16 & May 18      2019   Exploratorium
  • Kronos Eclipse
    San Francisco’s Grammy-winning Kronos Quartet has a gravitational force, unlike...
    May 17       2019   Exploratorium

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